Stereotypes About Taurus That Are Untrue

 In touch with the pull of the universe, all zodiac signs have their good points and their bad ones.  Some are known for their volatile nature or gift of the gab, others for their ability to keep their secrets closely guarded, and others for their compassion.


Taurus is an Earth sign that is portrayed by the bull.  Practical and reliable, they are best known for their steadfast nature and for being a stoic shoulder to lean on in times of crisis.  Tauruses are loyal and are always there for others and they are certainly considered to be one of the most responsible star signs of the zodiac.  Their good points are certainly vast and well known, but what about the clichés that aren’t true?  After all, there’s nothing worse than being labelled as something that you’re not.




One of the most frequent things that we hear about people who have the Taurus star sign is that they are lazy.  And it’s not even true!  Tauruses are actually some of the hardest workers you will ever find and are often seen grafting away and striving to achieve what they want and more.  They like to know exactly what they are getting into before they act, and just because they don’t hurry around and flit from one thing to another, it doesn’t make them lazy.  Tauruses are the ones who quietly work away in the background and are willing to undertake any job - often the ones that no one else wants to do - and don’t stop until it’s finished to the best of their ability.



It just gets better!  Not only do people have a misguided notion that all Tauruses are lazy, but they often also say that they are the most stubborn star sign around, and again that is completely unfair.  People often mistake determination and commitment for stubbornness in a Taurus.  A Taurus will never give up and will always see things through to the very end.  They are people who are happy to keep on trying with something even when others would give in, and how can that be called stubbornness if it eventually yields a fruitful return?  Not only that, but their determination to hold onto things actually makes them fantastic life-long friends as well - something that we all need in our lives.


Wild Temper

The most notorious thing about a Taurus is their temper and we commonly hear “do not anger the bull” as a reference to Tauruses having a vile temper.  In fact, people often say that Tauruses have a short fuse, but that’s not true - a Taurus is actually exactly like a bull and will only fight if they are provoked.  People who are born under the Taurus sign are actually slow to come to their anger, not reacting until the red rag is waved in front of the bull, so to speak, and only then will they make their feelings known.  But make no mistake, a Taurus does not argue for the sake of it, they will simply stand up for what they believe in.



People often say that Tauruses are very frivolous and have a liking for luxury and fine things.  Although they may come across as being materialistic in nature they are actually very conservative and never spend more than they can afford.  Not only that, but you are unlikely to ever find a Taurus who does not pay their own way as they are happy to pay for things with the money that they have earned through sheer hard work and determination, just as they are equally as happy to share their spoils with those that they love.



Tauruses are loyal to a fault and thrive on security.  It’s little wonder then that they are sometimes called possessive.  But to a Taurus it’s not about possession and having to have hold of something, it’s about holding onto that consistency and good-feeling, and not wanting to let go of something that makes them happy.  In a relationship, a Taurus will never stop you from doing what you want, they just need to understand why you want to do it.  Honestly, the possessive label that gets put on Tauruses is pretty unfair - you’ll certainly never find a Taurus flying off into a jealous rage, for instance - and they are the most dependable and supportive person you could ever wish to have around you.


All in all, Tauruses have been pretty badly done to in the stereotype department, but there’s really no need, and if you have a Taurus in your life then you know that you’ve got a solid and trustworthy person who will always try their hardest for you.


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